Tuesday, June 16, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 8 for TNPSC

  1. When was Gandhiji writing the Journal Young India?
    1.  1942
    2.  1930
    3.  1931
    4.  1934

  2. American women got vote right in 1920. In the same time One of the Indian state given vote right to women. What is it?
    1.  Mumbai
    2.  Mysore
    3.  Hyderabad
    4.  Madras

  3. Which of the following statements about salient feature of the Indian Constitution is true?
    1.  It is more rigid than flexible
    2.  It Provides Double Citizenship
    3.  It Provides social equality
    4.  None of the above

  4. The chairperson of the Public Service commission  jointly set up by two or more states is appointed by?
    1.  Governor of the biggest state
    2.  Chief Ministers of the biggest state
    3.  Chief Secretory of the biggest states
    4.  The President of India

  5. In which state of India "Koyana Earthquake" occurred?
    1.  Odisha
    2.  Gujarat
    3.  Tamil Nadu
    4.  Maharashtra

  6. World Natural Disaster reduction day is observed on ?
    1.  March,22
    2. October,13
    3.  June,8
    4.  April,22

  7. Which of the following is the fastest method of data transmission?
    1.  DSL
    2.  Modem
    3.  ISDN
    4.  None of the above

  8. Steganography means?
    1.  The Science of reading messages
    2.  Chicago Peace Conference 
    3.  The Science of Sending messages
    4.  The Science of hiding and sending messages

  9. Find the odd one out?
    1.  Nitrogen
    2.  Potassium
    3.  Zinc
    4.  Phosphorous

  10. The iron free portion of haemoglobin in human blood is?
    1. Haematin
    2.  Glyicin
    3.  Bilurubin
    4.  Globin

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