Sunday, August 30, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC Examination - 71

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Islamic Jurisprudence is derived mainly from?
    1.  Uniform civil code
    2.  Baghdad Laws
    3.  Quran and Sunnah
    4.  None of these

  2. A President's rule can be imposed in a state under the provision of: i. Article 356, ii.Article 360, iii.Article 352, iv.Article 365?
    1.  i and ii
    2.  ii only
    3.  i and iii
    4.  i and iv only

  3. In ancient India, " Danda" means?
    1.  The Fear of punishment
    2.  Violation of law
    3.  Respecting the law
    4.  Law making

  4. With which of________style of Indian Classical dance Madame Menaka is related?
    1.  Odishi
    2.  Kuchipudi
    3.  Manipuri
    4.  Kathak

  5. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of untouchablity?
    1.  Article 16 
    2.  Article 16 (ii)
    3.  Article 17 (ii)
    4.  Article 17

  6. Which of the following event a considered as a Machiavellian devise of the British in the administration?
    1.  Charter Act of 1813
    2.  Partition of Bengal
    3.  Queen's Proclamation
    4.  Rowlat Act

  7. The widow marriage society of Ranade was established at Poona in_________?
    1.  1861
    2.  1881
    3.  1871
    4.  1851

  8. The Karma Doctrine (rebirth, reincarnaiton, transmigraton), which is fully developed in the upanishads is first mentioned in?
    1.  Bhagavad Gita
    2.  Purusha Suktam
    3.  Mahabharata
    4.  Satapata Brahmana

  9. In the later Vedic Literature, which one of the peoples, were contempruosly described as Vrityas, outside the pale of orthodox Brahmanism and speaking a strange unintelligible language?.
    1.  Panchalas
    2.  Sakyas
    3.  Magadhas
    4.  Vidchans

  10. In third and Fourth Buddhist councils were held in the reigns of Ashoka and Kanisha respectively. The have presided over by _______ and ________ repectively ?
    1.  Vasumitra and Mogaliputta Tissa respctively
    2.  Ananada and Vasumitra respectively
    3.  Moggaliputta Tissa and Upali respectively
    4.  Moggaliputta Tissa and Vasumitra respectivley

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