Wednesday, August 12, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important General Knowledge Questions for TNPSC examination - 52

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Which among the following were not sent by Greek Sovereigns as ambassador to pataliputra?
    1.  Megasthenese
    2.  Dionysios
    3.  Hesodotus
    4.  Deimachus

  2. Which of the following is wrongly mathced?
    1.  Junagadh rock inscription  - Rudradaman I
    2.  Aihole stone inscription -  Pulakesin II
    3.  Mehrauli pillar inscription -  Chandragupta II
    4.  Allahabad pillar inscription - Kumaragupta

  3. Which of the following states was a union territory before obtaining its statehood?
    1.  Goa
    2.  Delhi
    3.  Chandigarh
    4.  Gujarat

  4. The members of the Central Vigilance Commission hold office for a period of?
    1.  6 years or until they attain age of 60 years, whichever is earlier
    2.  5 years or until they attain age of 60 years, whichever is earlier
    3.  3 years or until they attain age of 62 years, whichever is earlier
    4.  6 years or until they attain age of 65 years, whichever is earlier

  5. District Collector is a
    1.  Specialist
    2.  Entrepreneur
    3.  Technician
    4.  Generalist

  6. Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
    1.  Speaker
    2.  President
    3.  Prime Minister
    4.  Vice President

  7. Right to Information Act 2005 is based on?
    1.  Articles 19 & 21
    2.  Articles 14 & 18
    3.  Articles 23 & 24
    4.  Articles 25 & 28

  8. How many language were added to 8th schedule of Indian Constitution through 93rd Amendment?
    1.  3
    2.  6
    3.  5
    4.  4

  9. Which Constitutional amendment reduced voting age from 21 to 18 years?
    1.  58th
    2.  68th
    3.  61st
    4.  63rd

  10. Which Article represent Right to Education?
    1.  Article 21 (A)
    2.  Article 20
    3.  Article 21
    4.  Article 21(A)

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