Thursday, August 20, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC Examination - 61

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. The Election Commissioners are appointed by the?
    1.  Prime Minister
    2.  Governor
    3.  President of India
    4.  Council of Ministers

  2. Usually the population of Corporation?
    1.  50 Lakhs
    2.  60 Lakhs
    3.  70 Lakhs
    4.  10 Lakhs

  3. Money bill can be delayed by the Rajya Sabha only for?
    1.  14 days
    2.  15 days
    3.  5 Weeks
    4.  14 Weeks

  4. The first political philosopher who separated and differentiated civil society from state?
    1.  Fredrick Engels
    2.  Antonio Gramsci
    3.  Karl Marx
    4.  G.W.F.Hegel

  5. Who is known as " Desert Fox"?
    1.  Charles Ervin
    2.  Adolf Hitler
    3.  Benito Mussolini
    4.  Ervin Rommel

  6. How many languages are there in Eighth Schedule of Indian Constitution?
    1.  18
    2.  22
    3.  20
    4.  24

  7. World's most powerful telescope ALMA becomes operational on March 2013 in?
    1.  Chile
    2.  China
    3.  New York
    4.  London

  8. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with Right to Education?
    1.  Art. 20 (A)
    2.  Art. 22 (A)
    3.  Art. 19 (A)
    4.  Art. 21 (A)

  9. Name the 29th Sate of Indian Union?
    1.  Jharkhand
    2.  Uttarakhand
    3.  Telangana
    4.  Chhattisgarh

  10. "The Queen of Drugs" refers to?
    1.  Streptomycin
    2.  Aureomycitin
    3.  Chloromycitin
    4.  Pencillin

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{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC Examination - 61
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11/21/2016 11:54:00 PM X

Nice website for online questions.....
