Monday, June 15, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 7 for TNPSC

  1. Textile valley of Tamilnadu are referred to ?
    1.  Thiruppur, Bhavani and Erode
    2.  Thiruppur, Bhavani and Coimbatore
    3.  Thiruppur, Erode and Coimbatore
    4.  Thiruppur, Erode and Madurai

  2. Tumour inducing viruses are called?
    1.  Pathogenic Viruses
    2.  Variola Viruses
    3.  Para Viruses
    4.  Oncogenic Viruses

  3. The top-tier of the Panchayat Raj structure in Tamilnadu is?
    1.  District Panchayat
    2.  Village Panchayat
    3.  Gram Panchayat
    4.  Panchayat Union

  4. Whose report is hailed as the 'Magna Carta' of the Panchayat Raj system?
    1.  Tarkunde Committee
    2.  Gorwala Committee
    3.  Ashok Mehta Committee
    4. Balwantrai Mehra Committee

  5. In which year was Madurai branch of the Chennai High Court Started?
    1.  2000
    2.  1999
    3.  2001
    4.  2004

  6. Which one of the following taxes is not collected by the corporation?
    1.  Entertainment Tax
    2. Income Tax
    3.  Taxes on Vehicle
    4.  Property tax on lands

  7. In which part of the Indian Constitution consists of Fundamental Rights?
    1.  Part I
    2.  Part II
    3.  Part III
    4.  Part IV

  8. Lok Sabha consists of ?
    1.  250
    2.  541 
    3.  550
    4. 552

  9. Money bills can be delayed by the Rajya Sabha?
    1.  10 Days
    2.  90 Days
    3. 14 Days
    4.  One Month

  10. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Food Park in?
    1. Panjab
    2.  Lal Bagh
    3.  Chandipur
    4.  Tumkur

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