The determines the salaries and allowances of the ministers in a State?
State Legislature
Chief Minister
The Lok Sabha Secretariat works under the direct supervision of?
The President of India
The Prime Minister of India
The Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
The Speaker
Find the odd one out?
Official Language Commission
Finance Commission
Election Commission
Niti Aayog
Order the following states according to the agriculture Income Tax they paid?
Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Mysore, Tamilnadu and West Bengal
Jammu and Kashmir, Mysore, Tamilnadu, West Bengal and Assam
Tamil Nadu, Mysore and West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Assam
Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Mysore and West Bengal
India's economic growth rate in the tenth 5 year plan period was (2002-2007)?
4.5 %
8.0 %
6.5 %
7.6 %
Which one of the following was a reason for the failure of talks held at the Simla Conference in 1945?
The congress boycotted it
Jinnah insisted that all Muslim members of the executive council must be nominated by Muslim League
The Dominion status suggested by the Viceroy was not acceptable to both Congress and Muslim League
The Viceroy was in different to demands of cogress
The greatest Indian since Gautama Buddha and the greates man the world has been since Jesus Christ. Who described Gandhi like this?
Dr.Pattabhi Sitaramayya
Mr. Norman Cousins
Regarding the Freedom Struggle which of the following events is / are not true?
The Partition of Bengal was modified in 1910
The Moplah Rebellian took place in 1921
The Communal Award was announced in 1932
Cripps Mission Proposal on 1940
Fourth Mysore War was happened in the year of?
When the heat is conducted from one place to another place without any medium, then such a process of heat conduction is known as ?
Conduction of heat
Vaporization of heat
Convection of heat
Radiation of heat
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