Thursday, August 6, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions - 40 for Science Subject

In this Quiz covered for important Science Questions with answer. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. ____ is used in the production of vinegar?
    1.  Nitric Acid
    2.  Sulphuric Acid
    3.  Acetic Acid
    4.  Carboxylic Acid

  2. The first human like being creature is called?
    1.  Rata tigrina
    2.  Homosopiens
    3.  Gorilla
    4.  Hominids

  3. Who coined the term vaccine?
    1.  Edward Jenner
    2.  Loues Pasteur
    3.  Aristotle
    4.  Mental

  4. The Monohybrid test cross ratio is
    1.  9:3:3:1
    2.  2:1
    3.  12:3:1
    4.  3:1

  5. The paired chromosomes are called?
    1.  Trivalents
    2.  Synaptic pairs
    3.  Similar Chromosomes
    4.  Bivalents

  6. Hydra reproduce by?
    1.  Binary fusion
    2.  Budding
    3.  Fragmentation
    4.  Stem cutting

  7. The fertilized egg is known as?
    1.  Embryo
    2.  Seed
    3.  Zygote
    4.  None of these

  8. The molecular mass of water is?
    1.  20 u
    2.  21 u
    3.  3 u
    4. 18 u

  9. Which molecule has the atomicity 4?
    1.  Sulphur
    2.  Oxygen
    3.  Phosphorus
    4.  Zinc

  10. Which of the following will have Zero valency?
    1. Oxygen
    2.  Chlorine
    3.  Hydrogen
    4.  Argon

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