Wednesday, August 12, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important General Knowledge Questions for TNPSC examination - 51

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Which is the largest plain in Asia?
    1.  The West Siberian Plain
    2.  The Ganga Plain
    3.  The Great Plain of China
    4.  The Tigris-Euphrates Plain

  2. High concentration of iron and steel plants in India is found in?
    1.  Coastal Plain
    2.  Malwa Plateau
    3.  Deccan trap
    4.  Chota Nagpur Plateau

  3. Which of the following is correct Atchinson Commission is related to ?
    1.  Agriculture
    2.  Industry
    3.  Education
    4.  Civil Services

  4. In which state in highest lead of copper minerals production?
    1.  Tamil Nadu
    2.  Madhya Pradesh
    3.  Odisha
    4.  Andhra Pradesh

  5. The atmosphere layer which reflects radiowaves is called?
    1.  Stratosphere
    2.  Exosphere
    3.  Ionosphere
    4.  Troposphere

  6. Beaufort scale is used to measure?
    1.  Air pressure
    2.  Air velocity
    3.  Wind direction
    4.  Humidity

  7. Pick out the wrong statement?
    1.  Mediterranean type - less precipitation through - out the year
    2.  Extra tropical westerly zone - precipitation throughout the year 
    3.  Equatorial westerly zone - constantly wet
    4.  High polar zone-meagre precipitation, summer rainfall, early winter snow fall

  8. ________ belong to Borneo primitive people?
    1.  Kubus
    2.  Pygmies
    3.  Sermang
    4.  Dayakas

  9. The shore temple at Mamallpuram and Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram were the product of _______ Pallavar ruler?
    1.  Simhavishnu
    2.  Mahendravarman
    3.  Rajasimha
    4.  Aparajitavarman

  10. Which of the following newspaper is not associated with the servants of India Society?
    1.  The Servants of India
    2.  Dyan Prakash
    3.  Tatvabodhini Patrika
    4.  Hitawad

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