Thursday, August 20, 2015

[ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC All Examination - 60

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. The maximum period lease of lands is (as per the RSO 24A)?
    1.  5 Years
    2.  3 Years
    3.  6 Years
    4.  1 Years

  2. One hectare is equal to?
    1.  10 acres
    2.  100 cents
    3.  2 acres
    4.  10,000 square metres

  3. Who is the District Registrar of Birth and Death?
    1.  District Collector
    2.  District Revenue Officer
    3.  District Supply Officer
    4.  District Social Welfare Officer

  4. The Government of India enacted the Disaster Management Act in ______year?
    1.  2004
    2.  2003
    3.  2002
    4.  2005

  5. Marriage Assistance to the male members provided by which scheme?
    1.  Gold for Tali
    2.  Chief Minister Uzhavar Padhukappu Thittam
    3.  Priceless dhoti and Saree Scheme
    4.  Puthu Valzhu Thittam

  6. 'The Hindus and Muslims are two eyes of the beautiful bird that was India'. Whose comment it was?
    1.  Jothi Bapule
    2.  Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    3.  Nawab Salimullah
    4.  Muhamad Ali Jinna

  7. During the Great revolt of 1857 the Governor General of India was?
    1.  Lord Canning
    2.  Lord Ripon
    3.  Lord Lytton
    4.  Lord Wellesley

  8. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
    1.  Drain Theory - Dadhabai Naoroji
    2.  Indian Association - Nethaji
    3.  Servants of Indian Society - Mahatma Gandhi
    4.  Abbinava Bharat - Feroze Shah Mehta

  9. Who was founder of Indian National congress?
    1.  Dadabhai Naoroji
    2.  Madan Mohan Malaviya
    3.  Allan Octavian Hume
    4.  Surendranath Banerjee

  10. Which period is called the era of Gandhiji?
    1.  1885-1905
    2.  1905-1918
    3.  1920-1947
    4.  1917-1930

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