Monday, August 17, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Question of Indian Constitution in the Part of Fundamental Duties for TNPSC Examination - 58

In this Quiz covered for important questions for Indian Constitution specially for Fundamental Duties. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Fundamental Duties are enshrined under_____ Part of the Indian Constitution?
    1.  IV
    2.  III
    3.  IV A
    4.  None of the above

  2. The Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens were incorporated in the Constitution in?
    1.  1972
    2.  1974
    3.  1975
    4.  1976

  3. Which committee recommended for the inclusion of Fundamental Duties in to the Constitution?
    1.  Sardar Swaran Singh
    2.  Relaxine
    3.  Androgen
    4.  Oestrogen

  4. What is the main sanction behind the Fundamental Duties?
    1.  Moral
    2.  Economic
    3.  Cultural
    4.  Legal

  5. Respecting our National Flag?
    1.  Fundamental Rights
    2.  Fundamental Duties
    3.  Both A & B
    4.  None of the above

  6. In 2002 in which Amendment  deals with Child Education is Compulsory between the ages of 06-14 years?
    1.  76th 
    2.  86th
    3.  96th
    4.  100

  7. Fundamental Duties was introduces?
    1.  42nd Amendment
    2.  76th Amendment
    3.  40th Amendment
    4.  None of the Above

  8. Under which article the Fundamental Duties are enshrined under the Indian Constitution?
    1.  51 
    2.  52
    3.  50
    4.  51 A

  9. The Fundamental Duties are applicable to all?
    1.  States
    2.  Including Foreigners
    3.  Citizens
    4.  Persons

  10. Respecting our National Flag is a
    1.  Fundamental Rights
    2.  Directive Principles of State Policy
    3.  Fundamental Duties
    4.  None of the above

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