Friday, August 7, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC Examinations - General Studies - 42

In this Quiz covered for important questions form various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. New Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio belongs to which County?
    1.  Germany
    2.  Austrelia
    3.  Argentina
    4.  England

  2. In which day observed World Day of Handicapped  ?
    1.  November 03
    2.  October 03
    3.  August 03
    4.  December 03

  3. National Energy Conservation Day  in observed on ?
    1.  December, 14
    2.  December, 15
    3.  December, 16
    4.  December, 17

  4. Armed Forces Flag Day observed in?
    1.  December 04
    2.  December 06
    3.  December 08
    4.  December 10

  5. Which country unveiled the World Longest Aircraft Airlander (HAV 302)?
    1.  UAE
    2.  America
    3.  Russia
    4.  Britain

  6. "Unbreakable" -  is an autobiography by whom?
    1.  M.C.Cherrian
    2.  M.C.Mary Kom
    3.  L.C.Kurrian
    4.  D.C.Shervani

  7. Which is the first state introduce E-GPF facility?
    1.  Arunachal Pradesh
    2.  Assam
    3.  Tamil Nadu
    4.  Kerala

  8. On which date India celebrates National Technology Day?
    1.  11th April
    2.  12th May
    3.  12th April
    4.  11th May

  9. The Vijayanagar Empire founded in the year?
    1.  1337 A.D
    2.  1338 A.D
    3.  1336 A.D
    4.  1335 A.D

  10. According to Quran " Mamaluk" means?
    1.  The poor
    2.  The rich
    3.  The king
    4.  The slave

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