Friday, August 21, 2015

[ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC All Examination - 63

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Article 5 of the Constitution of India deals with?
    1.  Indian Citizenship
    2.  Nature of Indian Union
    3.  Formation of Status
    4.  Amendment precedure

  2. Whos is called as 'Father of All India Services'?
    1.  Lal Bahadur Shastri
    2.  Jawaharlal Nehru
    3.  Kothari
    4.  Sardar Vallabhai Patel

  3. The 88th Constitutional Amendment of  2003 had introduced major changes in the distribution of the sources of revenue between the Centre and the States. it is?
    1.  Tax Revenues
    2.  Income Tax
    3.  Property Tax
    4.  Land Revenues

  4. India's first General elections were held to the lok Sabha in 1951 - 1952 for a total seat of?
    1.  545
    2.  500
    3.  534
    4.  489

  5. Who among the following was an independent member who formed the ministry in madras presidency during 4th December, 1928?
    1.  B.Munuswamy Naidu
    2.  Raja of Bobbili
    3.  P.Subbarayalu Reddiar
    4.  Dr.A.Subbarayan

  6. Whes was the first Communal G.O. issued?
    1.  16th Sebtember, 1922
    2.  16th Sebtember, 1895
    3.  16th Sebtember, 1921
    4.  16th Sebtember, 1945

  7. According to  2009 Tamil Nadu Marriage Act. the marriages in Tamil Nadu should be registered within?
    1.  90 days
    2.  7 day
    3.  90 days
    4.  120 days

  8. Which Sri Lankan poet in named in Sangam Literature?
    1.  Na. Kathiravel Pillai
    2.  Ezhathu Boothan Devanar
    3.  Yazhpanathu Kanagasabi Pulavar
    4.  Arumuga Navalar

  9. The book which speaks about ' ancient musical instrumnet' is?
    1.  Malaipadu Kadam
    2.  Madurak Kanji
    3.  Mullai Pattu
    4.  Kurinji Pattu

  10. when a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth?
    1.  electrons are transferred from silk to glass
    2.  electrons are transferred from glass to silk
    3.  protons are transferred from silk to glass
    4.  protons are transferred from glass to silk

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