Monday, September 21, 2015

Important Question of Indian Constitution - Online Mock Test - 74

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. The only-Union Territory which has a High Court of its own
    1. Lakshadweep
    2. Daman and Diu
    3. Delhi
    4. Chandigarh

  2. The concept of the Judicial review has been borrowed from the Constitution of?
    1. U.K.
    2. U.S.A
    3. Japan
    4. U.S.S.R.

  3. Which of the following is not a writ issued by a superior court to an inferior court?
    1. Quo Warranto
    2. Mandamus
    3. Prohibition
    4. Certiorari

  4. The power of the Supreme Court to review any judgement pronounced or order made by it previously is provided in Article?
    1. 100
    2. 128
    3. 138
    4. 137

  5. Which of the following is covered under the original jurisdiction of the supreme court?
    1. Dispute relating to criminal cases involving murder
    2. Dispute relating to civil matters
    3. Dispute between two citizens from two different states
    4. Disputes between two states of the Indian Union

  6. Which is the highest court of appeal in India?
    1. High Court
    2. Supreme Court
    3. President
    4. Privy Council

  7. Which of the following is enforceable in a court of law?
    1. Fundamental Rights
    2. Fundamental Duties
    3. Directive Principles
    4. Preamble

  8. Who decides the number of Judges in a High Court?
    1. Governor of the State
    2. Parliament
    3. State Government
    4. President

  9. Which is the highest and final judicial tribunal in respect of the Constitution of India ?
    1. President
    2. Union Cabinet
    3. Supreme Court
    4. Parliament

  10. The Constitution gives the powers of superintendence over all sub-ordinate courts to the High Courts under Article?
    1. 228
    2. 229
    3. 225
    4. 227

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