Wednesday, September 16, 2015

TNPSC - Important Question Free Online Mock Test - 73

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. How many Land Reforms Acts were included in the Nith Schedule by the 78th Amendment Act?
    1.  29
    2.  32
    3.  27
    4.  65

  2. The Salary of the Supreme Court Judges are provided from?
    1.  Public Account of India
    2.  Contingency Fund of India
    3.  Special Fund
    4.  Consolidated Fund of India

  3. Which is not included in Concurrent list?
    1.  Banking
    2.  Criminal law
    3.  Marriage and divorce
    4.  Contracts

  4. A graph of a cumulative frequency distribution is called?
    1.  Frequency polygon
    2.  Frequency curve
    3.  Pie diagram
    4.  Ogive

  5. Fourth World Country refers to?
    1.  Capitalistic Country
    2.  Socialistic Country
    3.  Non-aligned Country
    4.  Least developed Country

  6. In India aluminium is abundantly found in?
    1.  Uttar Pradesh
    2.  Kerala
    3.  West Bengal
    4.  Madhya Pradesh

  7. Air pressure is measured with the help of?
    1.  Mercurial barometer
    2.  Nanometer
    3.  Wind meter
    4.  Thermometer

  8. Identify the fresh water lake among the following?
    1.  Lake Lahonton
    2.  Honey Lake
    3.  Bonnevilley Lake
    4.  Dal Lake

  9. The one, which is not a social network among the following is?
    1.  Twitter
    2.  Face book
    3.  SMAP
    4.  Whatsapp

  10. Which State has won the National Tiger Conservation Authority biennial award of 2015?
    1.  Assam
    2.  Tamil Nadu
    3.  Karnataka
    4.  Kerala

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