Wednesday, September 16, 2015

TNPSC - Important Question Free Online Mock Test - 72

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. For the calculation of National Income in India, 'Electricity, Gas and Water Supply' is included under which sector?
    1.  Agriculture
    2.  Services
    3.  Industry
    4.  None of the these

  2. In which state of India is the literacy gap between the male and female population low ( census 2011)?
    1.  Tamil Nadu
    2.  Utterkhand
    3.  Bihar
    4.  Kerala

  3. The term fragmentation refers to ?
    1.  Further division of land into small units
    2.  Scattered land holding
    3.  Land which is not used for cultivation
    4.  Land which is used for cultivation

  4. Who stated in his book The Indian war of Independence, described the revolt of 1857 as " a planned war of national Independence"?
    1.  Dr.S.N.Sen
    2.  B.C.Majumdar
    3.  Benjamin Disrachi
    4.  V.D.Savarkar

  5. Which among the following is correctly matched?
    1.  Rajaram Mohan Roy - first man to use the term Swaraj
    2.  Dayanand Saraswathi - Inaugurated modern age in India
    3.  Surendranath Banerjee - Edited the quarterly journal of Poona Sarvajana Sabha
    4.  Dadabhai Naoroji - Inaugurated modern age in India

  6. Which of the following amendments to the Constitution of India sught to curb the political defection?
    1.  42nd
    2.  52nd
    3.  62nd
    4.  70th 

  7. Software Embedded into Hardware is?
    1.  Firmware
    2.  Application
    3.  System
    4.  Liveware

  8. How many members were placed in the Indian Constituent Assembly?
    1.  279
    2.  289
    3.  319
    4.  299

  9. Which language was not added in the Eight Shedule of the Constitution by the 92nd Amendment Act?
    1.  Bodo
    2.  Dogri
    3.  Manipuri
    4.  Maithili

  10. Which Amendment Act is said to be the states Re-organisation Act?
    1.  5th Amendment Act
    2.  9th Amendment Act
    3.  10th Amendment Act
    4.  7th Amendment Act

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