Monday, August 17, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Question of General Studies for TNPSC Exam - 57

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Which Article permits Separate Constitution for the state of Jammu -Kashmir?
    1.  Article - 359
    2.  Article - 356
    3.  Article - 370
    4.  Article - 191

  2. Article 19 to 22 deals with
    1.  Right to equality
    2.  Right against exploitation
    3.  Right to freedom of religion
    4.  Right to freedom

  3. Tamil Nadu Legislative consists of _______members?
    1.  235
    2.  234
    3.  236
    4.  237

  4. The status of Election Commissioner is equivalent to that of the?
    1.  High Court Judge
    2.  District Court Judge
    3.  Magistrate
    4.  Supreme Court Judge

  5. In which Indian State, Government of India planned to build world's largest 4000 MV Solar Project?
    1.  Gujarat
    2.  Tamil Nadu
    3.  West Bengal
    4.  Rajastan

  6. Who was the first cinematographer to be chosen for Data Saheb Phalke Award?
    1.  Sriram
    2.  V.K.Moorthy
    3.  Balakrishnan
    4.  Karnan

  7. The use of 'i knife' in the medical field is?
    1.  to detect the cancer
    2.  to detect the heart disease
    3.  to detect the volume of blood
    4.  to estimate the amount of sugar in blood

  8. Who is Swaraj Paul?
    1.  Leader in Share Market
    2.  Indian Cabinet Minister
    3.  Chairperson of ISRO
    4.  Indian Industrialist based in United Kingdom

  9. Article associated with providing reservation of seats for SC/ST in Panchayat elections?
    1.  Article - 241 K
    2.  Article - 243 K
    3.  Article - 243 D
    4.  Article - 241 D

  10. Zero hour is the innovation in the parliamentary procedure of?
    1.  UK
    2.  USA
    3.  France
    4.  India

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