Friday, July 31, 2015

{ Online Quize } Important Questions for General Studies - 78

In this Quiz covered for Previous TNPSC Original Questions and selected for important Questions. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best.

  1. With whom, the sangam rulers didn't war?
    1.  Singales
    2.  Kadambar
    3. Veliars
    4.  Yavanas

  2. The Organisation which introduced Green Revolution in India is?
    1.  I.C.S.I.R
    2.  I.C.M.R
    3.  I.S.R.O
    4.  I.C.A.R

  3. The town of 'Ranipet' was created as a mark of remembrance?
    1.  Wife of Raja Desingh
    2.  Wife of Sorup Singh
    3.  Wife of Krishnappa Nayak II
    4.  Rani Mangammal

  4. India's Population according to 2011 census is?
    1.  880.8 million
    2.  975.8 million
    3.  843.8 million
    4. 1210.2 million

  5. Which year New Economic or Industrial Policy has introduces?
    1.  1995
    2.  1993
    3.  1992
    4.  1991

  6. Government started a scheme of maintaining stock of important food grains to ensure their regular supply throughout the year?
    1.  Fair price shop
    2. Buffer stack scheme
    3.  Public Distribution system
    4.  Consumer co-operative stores

  7. In India, the order of Science and Technology development: (1).Nuclear Power Programme (2).Chandrayan 1 Satellite (3). Aryabhatta Satellite
    1.  1,2,3
    2.  3,1,2
    3.  1,3,2
    4.  2,1,3

  8. Air transport was introduced in India in the year of?
    1.  1935
    2.  1948 
    3.  1929
    4. 1930

  9. Which of the following sis the reason for starting an agitation called " Illavu Vaaram?
    1.  To uplift Tamilian status
    2.  To find social harmony
    3. To uplift Tamil Teachers Respect
    4.  To train composing elegy

  10. When did Turkey enter the First World War?
    1. November 1915
    2.  October 1915
    3.  November 1914
    4.  October 1914

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