Wednesday, August 5, 2015

{ Online Quiz } General Studies - 35 for TNPSC

In this Quiz covered for Previous TNPSC Original Questions and selected for important Questions important and repeated asked questions for TNPSC Exam are marked as red color also. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. The summer equinox occurs on?
    1.  June - 21
    2.  May - 21
    3.  March - 21
    4.  April - 21

  2. Tropical Rainforest climate denotes?
    1.  BS
    2.  AW
    3.  H
    4.  AM

  3. Each computer in internet is identified by a / an ________ address which is unique among the computers in the interest?
    1.  IP
    2.  TCP
    3.  AP 
    4.  VP

  4. Second most language spoken in India is?
    1.  Tamil
    2.  Malayalam
    3.  Telugu
    4.  Bengali

  5. What is chronological order in which the following states of Indian Union were created: 1.Goa, 2.Uttarkhand, 3.Jharkhan, 4. Chattisgarh
    1.  1,2,3,4
    2.  1,3,4,2
    3.  1,3,2,4
    4.  1,4,2,3

  6. Which of the following gases have maximum abundance in the solar system?
    1.  H2 and He
    2.  H2 and Xe
    3.  CO2 and O2
    4.  None of these

  7. Which of the following is the scheme launched in April 1989 merging the former two schemes, viz, NREP and RLEGP?
    1.  TRYSEM
    2.  IRDP
    3.  JRY
    4.  SEPUP

  8. Annual Plans were implemented during the period?
    1.  1962 - 1965
    2.  1965 - 1967
    3.  1967 - 1970
    4.  1966 - 1969

  9. Taxes raised are credited to ?
    1.  Contingency fund
    2.  Private Account
    3.  Consolidated Fund
    4.  Public Account

  10. The Pyrimidine nitrogen bases are?
    1.  Uracil and Guanine
    2.  Guanine and Adenine
    3.  Adenine and Thymine
    4.  Uracil and Thymine

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