Friday, July 31, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for General Studies - 77

In this Quiz covered for Previous TNPSC Original Questions and selected for important Questions. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best.

  1. In which year was Madurai Branch of the Chennai High Court Started?
    1.  2001
    2.  2002
    3.  2004
    4.  2005

  2. The top-tier of the Panchayat Raj Structure in Tamil Nadu is?
    1.  Panchayat Union
    2.  Village Panchayat
    3.  Gram Sabha
    4.  District Panchayat

  3. Whose report is hailed as the 'Magna Carta' of the Panchayat Raj system?
    1.  Balwantrai Mehta Committee
    2.  Ashok Mehta Committee
    3.  Gorwala Committee
    4.  Tarkunde Committee

  4. The destroy of enzyme present in the papaya fruit is prevented by using the chemicals is?
    1.  Potassium meta bisulphate
    2.  Sodium meta bisulphate
    3.  Sodium meta bisulphite
    4. Potassium meta bisulphite

  5. When you speak to your firend, which of the following parameters have a unique value in the sound produced?
    1.  Frequency
    2.  Wavelength
    3.  Amplitude
    4.  Wave Velocity

  6. Tumour inducing viruses are called?
    1.  Pathogenic viruses
    2. Oncogenic Viruses
    3.  Para Viruses
    4.  Variola Viruses

  7. Automobile tyres are grooved due to?
    1.  Decrease the friction
    2.  Reduce the friction
    3.  Increase the friction
    4.  Reduce the noise

  8. What is meant by 'Pietra Dura'?
    1.  A fusion of Persian and India feature
    2.  Construction of buildings with marbles
    3.  Decorated walls with paintings
    4. Decorating walls with floral diagrams made up of semi precious stone

  9. Education is ?
    1.  Consumption goods
    2.  Intermediate goods
    3. Capital Goods
    4.  Durable Goods

  10. 15 men can complete a work in 54 days then 9 men can complete the same work in?
    1. 45
    2.  80
    3.  85
    4.  90

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