Monday, August 17, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions of General Studies for TNPSC Exam - 56

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Who is the authority to the taken over the relinquishment of land?
    1.  Revenue Divisional Officer
    2.  Village Administrative Officer
    3.  Tahsildar
    4.  Revenue Inspector

  2. Brahmadayam means?
    1.  The Inam given to Religious organisation
    2.  The Inam given to chatiram and education institution
    3.  The Inam given to former Palayakkars, Zamindars
    4.  The Inam given to Brahmins and other religious persons for their personal use.

  3. Which is the first state to introduce the Mass Contact Programme / Manu Neethi Thittam?
    1.  Tamil Nadu
    2.  Gujarat
    3.  Kerala
    4.  Karnataka

  4. Who is called Herald of New age in India?
    1.  Annie Besant
    2.  Swami Dyananda Saraswathy
    3.  Ramakrishnar
    4.  Rajaram Mohan Roy

  5. The most important factor leading to the rise of national movement was?
    1.  Communism
    2.  Socialism
    3.  Mixed Economy
    4.  Imperialism

  6. When was Formation of Simon Commission?
    1.  1939
    2.  1927
    3.  1928
    4.  1925

  7. Which among the following is correctly matched?
    1.  Lion of Punjab - Lala Lajpat Rai
    2.  Frontier Gandhi - Muslim League
    3.  Sardar Vallabai Patel - First Governor General
    4.  Motilal Nehru - Bismarck of India

  8. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
    1.  W.C.Banerjee - Swadeshi Mithran
    2.  Lala Lajpathi Roy - Kesari
    3.  Lakshmi Narasu Chetty - Samachar Darpan
    4.  G.Subramaniya Iyer - The Hindu

  9. After Jallian Wala Bagh massacre Rebindranath Tagore renounced his title?
    1.  Leadership
    2.  Lordship
    3.  Knighthood
    4.  Kingship

  10. Bengal was revoked in the year of?
    1.  1914
    2.  1913
    3.  1912
    4.  1911

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