Friday, September 2, 2016

Glossary - for all competitive Exams

  1. Aryans – the nomadic groups of people who came from Central Asia.
  2. Butt end – the portion of the tool, which is generally broad and is used for holding it.
  3. Celt – a type of stone axe made during the Neolithic period.
  4. Fauna – the animal life of any region.
  5. Flora – the plant life of any region.
  6. Jatakas – Buddhist texts with tales related to Buddha’s life.
  7. Microliths – very small and narrow tools used by man in the Mesolithic period.
  8. Mountain pass – the gap between mountains which help in easy access to the other side.
  9. Prehistory – that period of our past that does not have written records.
  10. Animism – worshipping of plants, stones and natural phenomena with belief that these too have life and thus have spiritual importance.
  11. BRW – black-and-red ware, a kind of pottery found at the Chalcolithic sites.
  12. Citadel – Citadel was the higher portion of the Harappan towns and was located on the western side.
  13. Ideograms – characters or a symbol conveying ideas.
  14. Lapislazuli – a bright blue rock from which lazurite used in jewellery is obtained. During the Harappan period, this was found in Afghanistan region. 
  15. Mesopotamia – the land between two rivers Euphrates and Tigris in Iraq.
  16. OCP – Ochre coloured pottery.
  17. Pastoralism – dependence on the domestication of cattle for subsistence.
  18. Proto-Siva – a primitive or preliminary form of Siva from which other forms developed in later periods.
  19. Steatite – a mineral occurring in the form of soapstone, used for making seals during Harappan period.
  20. Surplus – an excess of production over the requirements.
  21. Unicorn – an animal with one horn found on Harappan seals.
  22. Urbanisation – town life signifying surplus agriculture, specialised arts and craft, trade, writing, big structures and stratified society.

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