Monday, June 13, 2016

SBI - Clerk Exam Quantitative Aptitude Model Questions and Answers

1. The profit earned after selling a wrist watch for Rs. 5765 is same as loss incurred after selling the wrist watch for Rs.4315. What is the cost price of the wrist watch?
(A) Rs.5620
(B) Rs.5100
(C) Rs.5040
(D) Rs.4820

Answer: (C) Rs.5040

2. Rohit was asked to multiply a certain number by 36. He multiplied it by 63 instead and got an answer 3834 more than the correct one. What was the
number to be multiplied?
(A) 152
(B) 158
(C) 148
(D) 142

Answer: (D) 142

3. A spent Rs. 38460 on the renovation of his home, Rs. 24468 on buying furniture and remaining 28% of the total amount he had as cash with him. What was the total amount?
(A) Rs.224742
(B) Rs.138242
(C) Rs.118130
(D) Rs.87400

Answer:(D) Rs.87400

4. A school bus covers a distance from a village to school at the speed of 12 km/hr and reaches the school 10 min late. The next day the bus covers the same distance at the speed of 20 km/hr and reaches the school 8 min early. What is the distance between the village and the school?
(A) 12 km
(B) 15 km
(C) 9 km
(D) 14 km

Answer: (C) 9 km

5. A boat goes downstream from one port to another in 4 hours. It covers the same distance upstream in 5 hours. If the speed of stream is 2 km/hr. the distance between the two ports?
(A) 50 km
(B) 60 km
(C) 70 km
(D) 80 km

Answer: (D) 80 km

In the following number series only one number is wrong find out the wrong number

6. 1,8,25,64,125,216
(A) 8
(B) 25
(C) 64
(D) 125

Answer: (B) 25

7. 2 5 4 8 7 11 8 14

(A) 2
(B) 5
(C) 4
(D) 7

Answer: (D) 7

8. 6 9 18 43 135 472.5
(A) 9
(B) 18
(C) 43
(D) 135

Answer: (C) 43

9. 7 8 18 32 56 88 128
(A) 8
(B) 7
(C) 18
(D) 56

Answer: (C) 18

10. 4, 13, 31, 58, 139, 283
(A) 13
(B) 31
(C) 58
(D) 139

Answer: (C) 58

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