1. What is 348 times 265? (Bank Exam)
a. 88740
b. 92220
c. 87459
d. 54879
Answer: 92220
2. 14785-358-4158-9514=? (Bank Exam)
a. 548
b. 658
c. 755
d. None of the above
Answer: 755
3. 156+328 X0.8=? (Bank Exam)
a. 287.2
b. 418.4
c. 154.9
d. 478.3
Answer: 418.4
4. 2567÷17×3=? + 180 (Bank Exam)
a. 789
b. 457
c. 254
d. 273
Answer: 273
5. 11960 ÷ ? =65 X 23 (Bank Exam)
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 6
Answer: 8
6. 621 X ? X 6 = 152766 (Bank Exam)
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Answer: 3
7.4500 X ? 3375 (Bank Exam)
a. 2/5
b. 3/4
c. 1/4
d. 3/5
Answer: 3/4
8. If the income tax is increased by 19%, the net income is reduced by 1%. the rate of income tax is: (SSC Exam)
a. 6%
b. 4%
c. 5%
d. 7.2%
Answer: 4
9. Two numbers are more than a third number by 20% ad 37% respectively. How much percent is the second number less than the first? (Railway Exam)
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. 25%
Answer: 10%
10. Two numbers are more than a third number by 20% ad 50% respectively. These tow numbers are in the ratio: (SSC Exam)
a. 2:5
b. 4:5
c. 6:7
d. 3:5
Answer: 4:5
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SBI Clerical Exam: Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude) - Original Questions
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