Monday, August 17, 2015

{Online Quiz} Important Questions for TNPSC Examination - 54

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Who is the author of the autobiography entitles " My Journey"?
    1.  Pranab Mukherjee
    2.  Manmohan Sigh
    3.  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
    4.  Kabil Sibal

  2. Which one of the following organisation has won the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2013?
    1.  Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
    2.  Organisation of Economic Cooperation & Development
    3.  Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    4.  Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  3. Name of the Nobel prize winner, who was awarded the prize, 39 years after he identified boson particle in his name?
    1.  Peter W. Higgs
    2.  Francois Englert
    3.  Martin Karplus
    4.  Michael Levitt

  4. One of the coral reef areas indentified for intensive conservation and management is?
    1.  Pulicat
    2.  Pamban
    3.  Rameswaram
    4.  Lakshadweep

  5. The CEO of Pepsi Co, and is one of the powerful women is?
    1.  Sheela Dixit
    2.  Kiran Bedi
    3.  Serina Williams
    4.  Indra Nooyi

  6. Indira Gandhi National Integration Award 2013 was conferred to?
    1.  Sachin Tendulkar
    2.  M.S.Swaminathan
    3.  Lata Mangeshkar
    4.  Kasturi Rangan

  7. Which one of the following term is not related to the option 'NOTA' in the voting system?
    1.  Invalid vote
    2.  Against all
    3.  Negative vote
    4.  Disapproval of all the candidates

  8. What is correct match to 61th Amendment Act in India?
    1.  Delimitation of constituencies on basis of 2001 census
    2.  Reservation of seats to last until 2010
    3.  Privileges of each house of parliament, its committees
    4.  Voting age reduced from 21 to 18

  9. The Central Administrative Tribunals were set up on the recommendation of?
    1.  The Ministry of Lay and Justice
    2.  The Indian Law Commission
    3.  The Administrative Reforms Commission
    4.  The Sarkaria Commission

  10. Magnetic effect of current was discovered by?
    1.  Faraday
    2.  Fleming
    3.  Ampere
    4.  Oersted

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