Friday, August 7, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC Examinations - General Studies - 44

In this Quiz covered for important questions form various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Which gas is release the regrigerator?
    1.  CH4
    2.  Cl
    3.  CFC
    4.  H2

  2. Which among the following food chain is an example for Grassland ecosystem?
    1.  Grass-Deer-Fox-Tiger
    2.  Grass-Frog-Snake-Elephant
    3.  Grass-Cattle-Lion
    4.  Grass-Grasshopper-Frog-Snake-Eagle

  3. Among the following which one is not an Insecticide?
    1.  Zinc Sulphide
    2.  Zinc Phosphide
    3.  BHC
    4.  DDT

  4. Find out the calcium compound on bones and teech?
    1.  Calcium Carbonate
    2.  Calcium Chloride
    3.  Calcium Sulphate
    4.  Calcium Phosphate

  5. The percentage of Gold in 22 Carat is?
    1.  75 %
    2.  67.91 %
    3.  96.17 %
    4.  91.67 %

  6. Which lake is located in the eastern part of Great lakes?
    1.  Lake Superior
    2.  Lake Ontario
    3.  Lake Huron
    4.  Lake Michigan

  7. Which of the four metropolitan cities conneting the six lanes super highways?
    1.  Chennai-Mumbai-Delhi-Kolkata
    2.  Chennai-Delhi-Kolkata-Nagpur
    3.  Chennai-Delhi-Mumbai-Kolkata
    4.  Mumbai-Delhi-Chennai-Kochi

  8. National Sports for Indonesia is?
    1.  Cricket
    2.  Hockey
    3.  Volley Ball
    4.  Badminton

  9. Which country does Crimea belongs to?
    1.  Georgia
    2.  Belarus
    3.  Russia
    4.  Latvia

  10. Highest Polling percentage of 16th Lok Sabha election in Tamil Nadu constituency is?
    1.  Maduai
    2.  Tiruvallur
    3.  Arakkonam
    4.  Dharmapuri

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