Friday, August 21, 2015

[ Online Quiz } Important Questions for TNPSC All Examination - 65

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. 'Ashtadiggajas' were adorned by the court of?
    1.  Shivaji
    2.  Akbar
    3.  Krishnadevaraya
    4.  Harsha

  2. Who among the following did not accompany Gandhi during the Champaran Satagraha on 1917?
    1.  Mahadev Desai
    2.  Rajendra Prasad
    3.  J.B.Kripalani
    4.  Sarday Patel

  3. Which is wrongly matched?
    1.  Uttar Mimasa Darsana - Jaimini
    2.  Nyaya Darsana - Gautam Rishi
    3.  Sankhya Darsana - Kapila
    4.  Yoga Darsana - Patanjali

  4. Home Rule League in India was formally inaugurated on?
    1.  30th September, 1916
    2.  25th September, 1916
    3.  20th September, 1916
    4.  15th September, 1916

  5. Who started the Tamil Newspater ' Desabhaktan'?
    1.  Bharathiyar
    2.  Ramalinga Adigalar
    3.  U.V.Swaminathan
    4.  Thiru V.Kalyana Sundaranar

  6. Lord Macaulay was asociated with?
    1.  Abolition of Sati
    2.  Codification of laws
    3.  Reforms in the army
    4.  Permanent Revenue Settlement

  7. Who was the President of the Indian National Congress session held at Calcutta in  1920s?
    1.  Lala Lajpat Raj
    2.  Motilal Nehru
    3.  Mahatma Gandhi
    4.  Surendranath Banerje

  8. Which of the following is correctly matched?
    1.  Dandi - Bihar
    2.  Kheda - Uttar Pradesh
    3.  Champaran - Panjab
    4.  Bardoli - Gujarat

  9. Who was Indian Representative to attend UNESCO Conference at Geneva in 1949?
    1.  Vijalakshmi Pandit
    2.  Sarojini Naidu
    3.  Ammu Swaminathan
    4.  Annie Besant

  10. Who among the following was called as 'Dadabhai of Tamil Nadu'?
    1.  Bharathiyar
    2.  V.O.Chidambaram
    3.  Bharathiyar
    4.  C.Vijayaragachariyar

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