Tuesday, March 29, 2016

General Knowledge

1. Who have the power to decide an Election Petition?
Answer: High Court

2. What is the Minimum age of Voter in India?
Answer: 18 Years

3. When was Voters age reduced from 21 to 18 years?
Answer: 1988 (61st Amendment)

4. The Name of the candidate for the office of President of India may be proposed by:
Answer: Any 10 Members of the Electoral College

5. Which country on 22 October 2015 declared that it will permanently station a military unit in the Arctic by 2018?
Answer: Russia

6. Which following countries will host FIFA U-17 World cup?
Answer: India

7. Which state has recently declared to give 33 percent reservation for Women in the Government jobs?
Answer: Madhya Pradesh

8. Prime Minister Naredra Modi on 22 October 2015 laid the foundation stone of Amaravati, the New Capital of Andhra Pradesh. The Proposed city is located on Which River?
Answer: Krishna

9. The Tunnel Technology Institute will be established in which state of India?
Answer: Goa

10. The Union Cabinet of India on 21 October 2015 Approved a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters with Which Country?
Answer: Maldives

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