Sunday, August 2, 2015

{ Online Quiz } General Studies - 29 for TNPSC Exam

In this Quiz covered for Previous TNPSC Original Questions and selected for important Questions. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chance to success. All the best.

  1. Which disease is targetted to be climated from Indian in 2015 NHP?
    1.  Tubeclosis (T.B)
    2.  Small Box
    3.  Kala-Azar
    4.  Leprosy

  2. In which river of Bangladesh the oil spill disaster affects mangroves?
    1.  Madhumathi
    2.  Surna
    3.  Kalni
    4.  Shela

  3. ISRO's Communication Stalellite is?
    1.  GSAT-16
    2.  GSAT-14
    3.  GSAT-15
    4.  GSAT-17

  4. On 28th December 2014, Air Asia Flight 8501 crashed into the Java Sea. It was flying from ?
    1.  Bangtom to Kalimantan
    2.  Kualalumpur to Sydney
    3.  Singapore to Kalimantan
    4.  Surabaya to Singapore

  5. Which one of the following is not correctly matched? Bharat Ratna Awardees - Year
    1.  Madam Mohan Malavia - 2014
    2.  Sachin Tendulkar - 2013
    3.  Bhimisen Joshi - 2008
    4.  Ustad Bismilla Khan - 2000

  6. The First US President who is the Chief guest of Indian Republic Day Parade is
    1.  Bill Clinton
    2.  Barack Obama
    3.  George W.Bush
    4.  John F.Kennedy

  7. India Exported first warship CGS Barracuda to which country?
    1.  Bangladesh
    2.  Indonesia
    3.  Mauritius
    4.  Myanmar

  8. Rotorua, a city in Northern New Zealand has large number of Geysers and thermal springs,. Its named as
    1.  Spring City
    2.  Blue City
    3.  Hot City
    4.  Sulphur City

  9. Madras Mahajana Sabha was Started in the year?
    1.  1878
    2.  1886
    3.  1884
    4.  1885

  10. The Journal started by Devendranath Tagore was?
    1. Commonweal
    2.  India
    3.  Amrit Bazaar
    4.  Tatvabodhini Patrica

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