Friday, July 31, 2015

{ Online Quiz } General Studies for Science - 80

In this Quiz covered for important Science questions. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. When was presented John Dalton Atom theory?
    1.  1908
    2.  1898
    3.  1808
    4.  1809

  2. The elements with same atomic number but different atomic mass are called?
    1.  Isobars
    2.  Isotones
    3.  Polymers
    4.  Isotopes

  3. The valency of noble gas is?
    1.  0
    2.  5
    3.  8
    4.  11

  4. Protium is an isotope of?
    1.  Nitrogen
    2.  Oxygen
    3.  Helium
    4.  Hydrogen

  5. Nucleus of an atom contains?
    1.  Proton and electron
    2.  Neutron and electron
    3.  Proton, electron and neutron
    4.  Proton and neutron

  6. The relative charge of neutron is?
    1.  +1
    2. 0
    3.  -1
    4.  None of these

  7. Which one of the following is a real fish?
    1.  Cuttle fish
    2.  Silver fish
    3.  Dog fish
    4.  Jelly fish

  8. Angiosperms have?
    1.  Naked seeds
    2.  Body not differentiated into roots, stems and leaves
    3.  Exposed seeds
    4. Seeds contained fruits

  9. Which one of the following is a mammal?
    1.  Crocodile
    2.  Scoliodon
    3. Whale
    4.  Turtle

  10. Who gave the binomial system of classification?
    1. Lamarck
    2.  Robert Hooke
    3.  Darwin
    4.  Linnnaeus

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