Wednesday, July 29, 2015

{Online Quize ) General Studies Mock Test - 25

In this Mock test collection from Different TNPSC, UPSC, SSC and all competitive examination Original question papers. So all aspirants can update and improve knowledge Skills.

  1. By which of the following incidents, Motilal Nehru, initially, took to extremist Nationalism?
    1.  Partition of Bengal
    2.  Surat Split
    3. Internment of Annie Besant
    4.  Chauri-Chaura Incident

  2. In Which year asked for Official demands for Pakistant?
    1.  1944
    2.  1938
    3.  1939
    4. 1940

  3.  When was the Simla Conference?
    1.  1945
    2.  1946
    3.  1944
    4.  1943

  4. Find the odd man out?
    1.  Megadutta
    2.  Raghuvamsa
    3.  Ritusamhara
    4. Mudrarakahass

  5. Which is called as Encyclopaedia of Buddhism?
    1.  Madhyamika Sutra
    2.  Sutrasalankar
    3.  Budha Charita
    4.  Mahavibasha Sastra

  6. Find the odd man out?
    1.  Mahavir Charita
    2.  Buddha Charita
    3.  Malati Madhava
    4.  None of the above

  7. Which one of the following factor not related to the generation of ocean currents?
    1.  Difference in temperature
    2.  Difference in salinity
    3.  Difference in rainfall
    4.  Difference in density

  8. The stratosphere is called the isothermal layer, because of its?
    1.  Cloud and dust
    2.  Clear Sky 
    3.  Water Vapour
    4. Constant temperature

  9. The planet which rotates in the opposite direction of its revolutions is?
    1.  Mercury
    2.  Jupiter
    3. Venus
    4.  Earth

  10. DART related to ?
    1.  Agriculture Management
    2.  Tsunami Management
    3.  Cyclone Warning
    4.  Flood Management

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