Sunday, June 7, 2015

Social Science Mock Test for TNPSC - 85

  1. When was the Indian National Congress founded?
    1.  1884
    2.  1895
    3. 1885
    4.  1887

  2. Germany and Italy became unified countries in?
    1.  1869
    2.  1872
    3.  1871
    4. 1870

  3. The English East India company was formed in?
    1.  A.D 1600
    2.  A.D.1601
    3.  A.D 1569
    4.  A.D 1773

  4. The French East India Company was established by whom?
    1.  William Samson
    2.  Albugarh
    3.  King Charles
    4. Colbert

  5. Who Introduced the Subsidiary Alliance?
    1.  Lord Curson
    2.  Lord Minto
    3.  Lord Dalhousie
    4.  Lord Wellesley

  6. Lord Dalhousie famous for one of the following policy in what is?
    1.  Subsidiary Alliance
    2. Doctrine of Labse
    3.  Blue Sea Policy
    4.  None of the above

  7. Who formulated open door policy in China?
    1.  German and Italy
    2.  England and France
    3.  England and USA
    4.  Russia and Jaban

  8. The First World War(1914-1918) came to end by one of the Conference. What is that?
    1.  Berlin Conference
    2.  Chicago Peace Conference 
    3.  San Francisco Conference
    4. Paris Peace Conference

  9. Who is President of America in the period of First World War?
    1.  Warren G.Harding
    2.  Calvin Coolidge
    3. Woodrow Wilson
    4.  None of the above

  10. When did Turkey enter the First World War?
    1. November 1915
    2.  October 1915
    3.  November 1914
    4.  October 1914

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