Exam Success Mantras ( For All Competitive Exams): Examination looks critical as we consider studying and completing the syllabus as a burden and hence it seems to be not pleasant even by the most intelligent student. Never consider examination as an ocean of fire, first of all consider studies as a tool to learn and lead in life. Achieving success is bit tough but not impossible because its all the matter of your interest.Just answer yourself why do you forget a particular formula that you thoroughly studied last night? But, still you can remember each and every line of a song or rhyme or story of a novel that you learn years and years long back!Ya here your interest and desire to make that content remember works out. Well lets focus on few essential hints to help you pass your examination easily.
1.Set your goal: None of the examinee wish to fail in examination but all examinee never wish to score cent % too. When you pass time with someone you can judge their positive and negative sides, then just imagine you are with yourself for 24 hours of a day, 7 days of a week, all weeks of a month, 12 months of an year....then why and how cant you judge your positive and negative qualities? As per your physical, mental and social circumstances set your goal and here you have done a great job as if captain of a ship decides his direction towards his destination.
2.Build Interest: You need to love and have interest in the subject you want to study. Interest generate magic that motivates you to learn, and it will help change your wrong concept of studies as a "mental torture" to studies as a "tool to learn and lead in life" '.
3.Try the verbal approach: Read out loudly. This method utilizes two sensory systems. One is the audio-hearing and the other is visual-seeing. Another alternative is to let someone else recite the information out to you. This technique is very useful as you will associate the study material with a different voice at the back of your mind.
4.Associate key words and topics: Associate key words and topics to the people that you know or are familiar with. This also helps recall the information more easily.
5.Constant Practice: Ya its true practice constant rehearsal of the matter helps to hold confidence and positive energy. This technique helps information to be moved from short term memory into long term memory storage.As you do practice a song daily.
6.Maintain your confidence level: Trust yourself and your memory.
7.Changes are welcome: Change your study environment as much as possible. Recalling information becomes much easier when you attach significance to the surroundings you studied in. A new environment also breaks the routine and this makes learning more interesting.
8.Do not delay: When mentally tired or when laziness creeps into your study time, do yourself justice by simply reading through the subject material. Read with comprehension and understanding. This will help you tie up information on the day of exams.
9.Quality study matters than a Quantity study: Simply keeping the books and studying day and night will make you bore at one point. So study with reference to syllabus and keep check points so that one may hold quality study and not the burden of quantity study.
10.Work with concentration: Whatever you study, do study with your high level of concentration.
11.Avoid nervousness and unnecessary exam jitters: Study well in advance. This will give you more control and enough time to tie up loose ends. Knowing that you have control over the situation, will ensure greater success. This will surely avoid nervousness and unnecessary exam jitters.
12.Avoid insecurities: Always remember at the back of your mind that you are not alone. There are others too, who are feeling the same feelings, experiencing the same insecurities and having the same doubts as you do have.
13.Manage your time: Prepare list to do task and assign time limits to that. This will helps you to manage your valuable time.
14.Eat healthily: Eating healthily during the exam period. So that you can focus on the task at hand.Try to include some omega 3 (brain food) into your diet(found in oily fish).
15.Create triple zones: It's important to have a Study zone; a Relaxation zone and a Sleep zone. Keep these areas distinct and make sure the study and sleep spaces are calm and uncluttered.
16.Take regular breaks: For every 2 hours spent studying, you should take a break of about 20 minutes. These short breaks should be used to unwind, chat to friends, listen your favorite music,have a drink and eat a healthy snack. It's also important to take an extended break of around 3 or 4 hours each day to really 'switch off' from studying. If you feel worried or panicked, try thinking positive thoughts and practising breathing techniques - hopefully you will be more relaxed and able to focus when you start studying again.
17.Sleep: Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Always try to get at least 6 hours sleep per night and try to fit in one hour of relaxation before you go to bed.
18.Last minute revision: Now its time to get yourself organised. Sort the syllabus into a checklist and decide when, where and how you’re going to learn each point.Avoid detail study at this point of time just go through the subject matter.
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Exam Success Mantras ( For All Competitive Exams)
TNPSC Master
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