Wednesday, June 17, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 9 for TNPSC

  1. Auditing the Governmental expenditure is vested with the?
    1.  The Finance Minister
    2.  The Prime Minister
    3.  Comptroller and Auditor General
    4.  The Finance Secretary

  2. Which one is right way Krishna water dispute tribunals?
    1.  Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
    2.  Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
    3.  Maharastra, Tamilnadu and Puducherry
    4.  Maharastra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

  3. The Ethics committee was constituted in Lok Sabha in the year?
    1.  2000
    2.  1998
    3.  2001
    4.  2002

  4. Which of the following statements about National Development Council is wrong?
    1.  National Development Council was set up in 1952
    2.  National Development Council is concerned with social and economic poligy
    3.  It is a key institution in Centre-State relations
    4.  Its consists of Principal secretaries of all the ministries

  5. 2MW,in-pile loop reactor installed for nuclear fuel studies is?
    1.  Dhruva
    2.  Kamini
    3.  Apsara
    4.  Dhruva

  6. The billonaire authour of the series of the famous Harry Potter is?
    1.  Nancy Drew
    2.  J.K.Rowling
    3.  Enid Blyton
    4.  Jane Austen

  7. What is 'Kinect'?
    1.  German and Italy
    2.  Romote Control for T.V
    3.  Depth Camera systems
    4.  Message boards

  8. 193rd member of United Nations Organization was?
    1.  Somalia
    2.  Turkmenistan
    3.  Zambia
    4. South Sudan

  9. Raman Magsaysay Award 2013 winner Habiba Sarabai belongs to which country?
    1.  China
    2.  Japan
    3.  Afghanistan
    4.  Pakistan

  10. The A,B,O blood grouping was first discovered by?
    1. Morgan
    2.  Weiner
    3.  Muller H.J
    4.  Landsteiner and Levine

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