Friday, April 17, 2015

Mock Test for TNPSC Examination - 87

Important Mock Test for all Competitive Examination

Test your knowledge.. be can do...
1.The colour of a star is an indicatio of its.
a)distance from the sun
c)distance from the earth
d)temperature 2.Which of the following statements about Ramakrishna Parmahamsa true? 1.He was born in 1736. II. his original name was Gadahar Chattopadhaya.III. He undertook a tour from kanyakumari to kashmir. IV. his disciple was Swami Vivekananda?
a)I and II
b)II and III
c)II and IV
d)III and IV 3.Which of the following is correctly matched?
a)Madras Mahajana Saba - 1881
b)Bombay Presidency Association - 1771
c)Bombay Association - 1785
d)Poona Sarvajaniksabha - 1775 4.The sum of all two digit even numbers is?
d)1215 5.Pick out the correct order of increasing melting points of the four metals
d)tungsten,gold,iron,silver 6.The world map in 490 B.C. was constructed by
d)potolemy 7.Which one is wrongly matched?
a)1950 - India became republic
b)1946 - Interim government formed
c)1945 - Atlee's Declaration
d)1935 - Provincial Autonomy 8.India is a
a)developing economy
b)low income developing economy
c)middle income developing economy
d)Underdeveloped economy 9.The second five year plan strategy was to achieve the objective of self-sustained long-term growth via inverstment in the
a)heavy industries
c)lighter industries
d)agriculture 10. Which one of the following are correctly matched? I.Padmasini Ammal - Khadhi movement,II.Anchalai Ammal - Neill Satue Satyagraha,III.Manjubhashini - Non-Co-operation Movement, IV. Radhabai Subbarayan - Second Round Table Conference
a)I,II,III and IV
b)I,II and III
c)I and II
d)I,II and IV

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