Library Commision
The University Grants Commission developed INFIBNET programme,in 1988, as library network for Universities and colleges
Some Important Books and Author
- Dr.Lakshmanaswamy Medullar as its Chairman, Secondary Education Commission 1952-53)
- All India Seminar on School Libraries in 1962 in Bangalore which was directed by the late Dr. S.R. Ranganathan.
- Nationals Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
- Radhakrishnan Commission recommended the setting apart of 6 per cent of the total college budget for the development of their respective libraries,
- Kothari Commission raised it to about 10 per cent
- The Karnataka State Universities Review Committee recommended the setting apart of 20 per cent of the college budget (popularly known as the Raj Commission, as Prof. K.N. Raj headed this Commission)
- Radhakrishnan Commission - 1948
- Mudaliar Commission on secondary education - 1952-53
- Kothari Commission on education - 1964
- Karnataka State Universities Review Committee, headed by Professor K N Raj - 1979
The University Grants Commission developed INFIBNET programme,in 1988, as library network for Universities and colleges
Some Important Books and Author
- Deshpande,K.S. - University Library System in India, Sterling (1985).
- Yelfand, M.A.University Libraries in Developing Countries (1974)
- Krishan Kumar - Library Organisation (1987)
- Ranganathan,S.R. - New Educational School Library (1973)
- Peter Drucker - The Practice of Management (1955)
- Ledger System
- Card System: cards of a uniform size, either 5" X 3" or 6" X 4"
- Three Card System, and
- Kardex
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