Saturday, May 2, 2015

UGC NET Paper II Library Science

1.According to Machlup the difference between information and knowledge is
 (A) Information increases with use, whereas knowledge is constant.
 (B) Information is stimulatory, whereas knowledge is practical.
 (C) Information is shareable, whereas knowledge is one’s property.
 (D) Information is piecemeal, fragmented, particular,whereas knowledge is structured, coherent and universal.

2. “Web of Science” is 

A) A Citation Index
(B) A Bibliography
(C) An Abstracting Service
(D) All of the above

3. “Facts on File” can be grouped under

 (A) Primary source
 (B) Secondary source
 (C) Tertiary source
 (D) None of the above

4. In MARC 21, subject access fields are

 (A) 3xx
(B) 4xx
 (C) 5xx
(D) 6xx

5. Transformation of traditional libraries to hybrid / digital libraries is

 (A) Crisis Management
 (B) Re-engineering
 (C) Change Management
 (D) Project Management

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