Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Important Questions in Political Science Paper -II for NET Exams

1.Which one of the following  perceive the Marxists international politics?
  1. A struggle for power between the bourgeois and socialist systems with the hope of inevitable triumph of international proletarianism
  2. A struggle for power between two nations or group of nations that can be managed by maintaining balances of power
  3. Both 1 & 2
  4. None of the above
2. Who among the following is related to the theory of neo-­realism?
  1. J.W. Burton
  2. Raul Prebish
  3. Kenneth Waltz
  4. None of the above
3.Which of the following scholars propounded the systems approach towards the study of international relations?
  1. David Easton
  2. C. McClelland
  3. Gabriel Almond
  4. Both 2 & 3
4. Whom among the following was the Chairman of Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee?
  1. J B Kripalani
  2. K M Munshi
  3. Dr Rajendra Prasad
  4. Gopinath Bardoloi
5. Which of the following in not a type of cut motions?
  1. Disapproval of policy cut 
  2. Token cut
  3. Economy cut 
  4. Vote on account cut
6.Which one of the following company was John Company and this company had trading with India?
  1. French  East India Company
  2. British East India Company
  3. English East India Company
  4. None of the above

7.Under which Clauses and schedules, The Government of India Act 1935 falls
  1. 421 clauses and 15 schedules
  2. 321 clauses and 15 schedules
  3. 451 clauses and schedules
  4. 230 clauses and schedules
8. Under the Act of 1935, the residual power were placed under
  1. The Central Government
  2. The Governor General of India
  3. The State Government
  4. The Provincial Legialatures
9.Whom among following said that the Preamble is the keynote to the constitution  ?
  1. T  D Basu
  2. J B Kripalani
  3. Golak Nath
  4. Ernest Barker
10.Name the Article(s) with that the  Panchayats provisions deals.
  1. 245-255
  2. 239 and its related parts
  3. 244 and its related parts
  4. 243 and its related parts


1. Answer : 1
2. Answer : 3
3. Answer : 2
4. Answer : 1
5. Answer : 4
6. Answer : 3
7. Answer : 3
8. Answer : 2
9. Answer : 4
10. Answer : 4

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