Thursday, April 30, 2015

Important Questions in Paper -I for NET Examination

Hardwork Ever Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
1.Which of the following indicates evaluation?
  1. Deepa secured 85 marks out of 100
  2. Mahi also got the same marks of 85 out of 100
  3. Riya fot first division in the final examination
  4. All of the above
2.Who among the following category can conduct a research?
  1. Person possesses leadership quality in Managerial rank.
  2. Person possesses thinking and reasoning ability
  3. Person studied research methodology
  4. Person holds post graduation degree
3.How can we judge the depth of any research?
  1. By the duration of a project
  2. By the objective of the research
  3. By the number of researchers associated in the completion of a profect
  4. By the budget associated in the project
4.What is the aim of scientific method in research?
  1. Eliminate fake relations
  2. Eliminate old variables
  3. To introduce new variables
  4. To improve data interpretation
5.What is the composition of a research paper?
  1. Primary data
  2. Secondary data
  3. Mutant data
  4. Both 1 & 2
6.Name the process  where a group of experts from a specific area of study assembled under the same roof and prepare a syllabus for a new course.
  1. Seminar
  2. Walk through
  3. Workshop
  4. Symposium
7.Sun spots cycle is associated with
  1. the climatic change theories of changing sun
  2. Astronomical hypothesis
  3. changes in the rate of the Earth's rotation around the sun
  4. Precession of the equinoxes
8.Who among the following coined the term to the science of heredity as " Genetics"?
  1. Charles Darwin
  2. W Bateson
  3. H J Muller
  4. Gregor Mendel
9.The first Indian women to swim across the English Channel
  1. Arti Pradha
  2. Arti Saha
  3. Mihir Sen
  4. Mihir Singh
10.Where did the first post office opened?
  1. Delhi
  2. Kerala
  3. Maharastra
  4. Kolkata


1.Answer : 4
2.Answer : 3
3.Answer : 2
4.Answer : 1
5.Answer : 4
6.Answer : 3
7.Answer : 1
8.Answer : 2
9.Answer : 2
10.Answer : 4 

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