Monday, May 4, 2015

Model Paper-II in Computer Science for NET Exam

UGC-NET Paper-II in Computer Science

UGC - NET (Paper II) - Update Knowledge Skill for UGC-NET Lectureship and JRF
1. Select the correct reason " TM is more powerful than FSM because"-
a)it has finite state control
b)it has infinite state control
c) its tape movement is confined to one direction
d)it has the capacity to remember arbitrary long sequence of input symbols

2. Which one of the following is the major difference between a Moore and Mealy Machine?
a)the output of the former depends only on the present state
b)the output of the former depends only on the present input
c)the output of the former depends only on the present state and input
d)None of the above

3.Pick the correct statement-
a)Context-free languages are closed under unions
b)Context-free languages are closed under intersection
c)Context-free languages are closed under complementation
d)None of the above

4.YACC builds up on which one of the following ?
a)canonical LR Parsing table
b)LALR Parsing table
c)SLR Parsing table
d)LR(K) grammer

5.Pick the correct statement-
a)FSM can recognize only CFG
b)FSM can recognize any grammar
c)FSM can recognize only regular grammar
d)FSM can recognize any unambiguous grammar

6.Running time of a program is depends on which of the following factor?
a)the usage of machine idioms
b)the way the addressing modes are used
c)the way the registers are used
d)all of the above

7.What is the alternate name of Random-Scan Monitors?
a)Vector display
b)Calligraphic display
c)Stroke writing display
d)all of the above

8.The process of periodically adding,deleting and changing file records is known as?
a)file updating
b)file renewing
c)file restructuring
d)file upgrading

9.When do stack is useful for implementing?
a)Greedy method
b)Breadth First Search
d)Radix sort

10.Which one of the following is the ideal choice for interrupt oriented application?

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