1. What is the Thesaurus?
· A collection of selected terminology
· Synonymous terms
· List of words
2. What is a Patent?
An agreement between the inventor and the Government
3. World of learning is a what source of information…………..
Secondary source
4. Indian books in Print are published from………….
New Delhi
5. Cumulative book index is published from………….
6. Statesman year book is published from……………
London (MacMillan, Annual), 1864
7. Word of learning is published by ……..
Europa publication , London), 1947 (annual)
8. Who is the editor of “Library Herald”
Krishan Kumar
9. Who was published the monthly Journal “The Library World’
J. D. Brown
10. Who is S.R.Ranganathan teacher?
· A collection of selected terminology
· Synonymous terms
· List of words
2. What is a Patent?
An agreement between the inventor and the Government
3. World of learning is a what source of information…………..
Secondary source
4. Indian books in Print are published from………….
New Delhi
5. Cumulative book index is published from………….
6. Statesman year book is published from……………
London (MacMillan, Annual), 1864
7. Word of learning is published by ……..
Europa publication , London), 1947 (annual)
8. Who is the editor of “Library Herald”
Krishan Kumar
9. Who was published the monthly Journal “The Library World’
J. D. Brown
10. Who is S.R.Ranganathan teacher?
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