Thursday, April 30, 2015

Important Questions based on Science(School Level) for the Competitive Examinations

1.Which of the following classification of organisms has the longest small intestine?
  1. carnivores
  2. omnivores
  3. herbivores
  4. autotroph
2.Name the organism that can live without oxygen in air?
  1. yeast
  2. leech
  3. amoeba
  4. bread moulds
3.Which one of the following human organ produce insulin?
  1. kidney
  2. pancreas
  3. lungs
  4. liver
4.Plants capture sunlight to prepare its own food by the process of photosynthesis. what percentage of sunlight does a plant captured to do so?
  1. 50%
  2. 80%
  3. 5%
  4. 1%
5.The major element for the depletion of the ozone layer is
  1. ChloroFloroCarbons
  2. Methane Pentaoxide
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Carbon Mono-oxide
6.What is the common name of glycerol?
  1. glyclogen
  2. glycerine
  3. glycer
  4. none of the above
7.The chemical nature of a soap is
  1. hydrophobic
  2. hydrophatic
  3. hydrophilic
  4. none of the above
8.Which type of a image will be produced if an object placed in between the focal point and the mirror where the glass used for mirror is a concave mirror?
  1. virtual image
  2. real image
  3. projected image 
  4. none of the above
9.Through which of the following materials a light travels the fastest?
  1. glass
  2. water
  3. prism
  4. air
10.What type of image will be produced from a convex mirror?
  1. real image
  2. projected image
  3. virtual image
  4. none of the above
 Answer Key
1. Answer : 3
2. Answer : 1
3. Answer : 2
4. Answer : 4
5. Answer : 1
6. Answer : 2
7. Answer : 3
8. Answer : 1
9. Answer : 4
10. Answer : 3

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Important Questions based on Science(School Level) for the Competitive Examinations
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