Friday, March 6, 2015

Computer Science

Computer Science 
Important Questions and Answer
  1. The Word Computer is Derived from the Latin Word 'Computere'
  2. The First Numerical Calculation - Abacus
  3. Who was first Devised computing Machine - Charles Babbage
  4. The Transistor invented at Bell Laboratories in 1948.
Some Abbreviation of Net working
  1. LAN - Local Area Network
  2. MAN - Metropolitan Area NetWork
  3. WAN - Wide Area NetWork
  4. OSI - Open System InterConnection
  5. GOSIPS - Government OSI Profiles (Government Open System Interconnection Profiles)
Generation of the Computer
  1. First Generation - Vacuum Tubes
  2. Second Generation - Transistors
  3. Third Generation - Integrated Circuits
  4. Fourth Generation - VLSI Techniques
  5. Fifth Generation - Artificial Intelligence

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