Tamil University
Thanjavur - 613 010
Name of the Post and No.of Vacancy
- Museum Conservationist - 01
- Technical Assistant (Electrical and Electronics)- 02
- Driver - 02
- House keeping - 01
- Animal Husbandry - 01
- Museum Conservationist - Rs.15600-39100 + 6600
- Technical Assistant - Rs.5200-20200 + 2800
- Driver - Rs.5200-20200 + 2400
- House keeping - Rs.4800-10000 + 1300
- Animal Husbandary - Rs.4800-10000 + 1300
- Museum Conservationist: 45
- Technical Assistant: OC/BC-35,MBC-37,SC/ST-40
- Driver: OC/BC-35,MBC-37,SC/ST-40
- House keeping: OC/BC-35,MBC-37,SC/ST-40
- Animal Husbandry: OC/BC-35,MBC-37,SC/ST-40
Application Fee: Rs.200/-(SC/ST-Rs.100/-)
Last Date: 31.03.2015
How to Apply: Candidates should be downloaded the application form and filled prescribed format and send to them before the Last Date.
For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below:
1. Advertisement pdf link: http://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/download_pdfs/Advt.pdf
2. Detailed Information: http://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/download_pdfs/Terms&conditions.pdf
3. Application form for Museum Conservationist: http://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/download_pdfs/application%201.pdf
4. Application form for other Post: http://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/download_pdfs/appilcation%202.pdf
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Non-Teaching Post at Tamil University
TNPSC Master
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