Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Bengaluru, karnataka
SSC (KKR) has issued Advt. No. KKR-2/2017 for 14 categories of Selection Posts in the Departments of Central Government, inviting applications through Online Mode for filling up of 42 Vacancies, as detailed below:-
Name of the Post
1. Scientific Assistant (Electronics)
2. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical)e
3. Technical Supdt. (Processing)
4. Market Intelligence Inspector (Economics)e
5. Library & Inf.Assistant
6. Research Assistant (RA)
7. Jr. Conservation Assistant
8. Laboratory Attendant
9. Jr. Clerk
10. DEO Gr. B
11. Conservation Assistant
12. Asstt. Welfare Administrator
13. Library Attendant (MTS)
14. DEO Gr.B
For further details regarding the post advertised on 25.8.2017, candidates are advised to visit the Website
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SSC Bangaluru Various Jobs Notification - September 2017
TNPSC Master
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