(A Central University)
Website :www.dhsgsu.ac.in
Advt.No.R/NT/2017/02 Dated: 25/07/2017
The applications in the prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates for the following Non-teaching positions to be filled up on regular basis: Details of Non-teaching Positions:
Name of the Post
1. Registrar - 01 Post
2. Finance Officer - 01
3. Controller of Examinations - 01
4. Director, EMMRC - 01
5. Deputy Registrar - 01 Post
6. Assistant Registrar - 02 Posts
7. Medical Officer - 01 Post
8. Producer, EMMRC - 01 Post
For general terms & conditions, procedure for filling application form and other important information etc., please visit University website: www.dhsgsu.ac.in. The duly filled in application form will be received in the Office of Registrar, Dr. Harisingh GourVishwavidyalaya, Sagar(M.P.) through Speed Post/Registered Post by 22.09.2017.
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Non-Teaching Recruitment Notification at DR. HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA, SAGAR- September 2017
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : Non-Teaching Recruitment Notification at DR. HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA, SAGAR- September 2017