Government Polytechnic College
Diretorate Of Techanical Education
Pamani Road, Korukkai, Thiruthuraipoondi - 614711
Last Date: 05.05.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post
Skilled Assistant
1. Skilled Assistant [Mechanical Department] - 01
2. Skilled Assistant [Computer Engg Dept] - 01
3. Skilled Assistant [Electronics Department] - 01
4. Skilled Assistant [Mechanical Department] - 01
5. Skilled Assistant [Mechanical Dept] - 01
6. Skilled Assistant [Electrical Department] - 01
7. Skilled Assistant [Electrical Department] - 01
Lab Assistant
8. Lab Assistant [Civil Department] - 01
9. Lab Assistant {Electronics Department] - 01
10. Lab Assistant [Civil Department] - 01
11. Lab Assistant [Electrical Department] - 01
12. Lab Assistant [ Mechanical Department] - 01
13. Lab Assistant [Electronics Department] - 01
14. Lab Assistant [Electricial Department] - 01
15. Lab Assistant [Computer Engg Dept] - 01
16. Lab Assistant [Mechanical Department] - 01
17. Lab Assistant [Electronics Department] - 01
Total Vacancies: 17 Posts
Qualification: SSLC with ITI in Concerned subjects
Age Limit: 36 years as on 01.08.2017
How to Apply: Interested candidates should send their application form along with attested copies of all related documents should reach to the following address.
The Principal
Government Polytechnic College
Pamani Road, Korukkai,
Thiruthuraipoondi - 614711
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Tamil Nadu Government Polytechnic College Skilled Assistant and Lab Assistant Recruitment-2017
TNPSC Master
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