CRPF Montessori School
GC CRPF, Yelahanga
Bangalore, Karnataka
Date of Walk-in-Interview: 17.04.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Head Mistress - Salary Rs.10000/- Per month
2. Teachers - Salary Rs.8500/- Per month
3. Nany (Ayah) - Salary Rs.5500/- Per month
CRPF Montessori School
GC CRPF, Yelahanga
Bangalore - 560 064,
Phone No. - 080-28567730
GC CRPF, Yelahanga
Bangalore, Karnataka
Date of Walk-in-Interview: 17.04.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Head Mistress - Salary Rs.10000/- Per month
2. Teachers - Salary Rs.8500/- Per month
3. Nany (Ayah) - Salary Rs.5500/- Per month
CRPF Montessori School
GC CRPF, Yelahanga
Bangalore - 560 064,
Phone No. - 080-28567730
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CRPF Montessori School Recruitment - 2017. Date of Walk-in-Interview: 17.04.2017
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : CRPF Montessori School Recruitment - 2017. Date of Walk-in-Interview: 17.04.2017