Defence Food Research Laboratory,
Siddarthangar, Mysore - 570 011
Karnataka, India
Date of Walk In Interview: 22 Days from the date of Publication on Employment News
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Research Associate - 01 Post, Age Limit: 28 years, Salary: Rs.25000/- per month
2. Junior Research Fellow - 03 Posts, Age Limit: 35 years, Salary: Rs.40000/- per month
Number of Vacancies: 04 Posts
Educational Qualification:
1. Research Associate - M.Sc and Ph.D in Bio-Chemistry
2. Junior Research Fellow - M.Sc in Food Science / Chemistry/Bio-Technology with 1st class and UGC-NET OR CSIR UGC NET
(Note: Interested and Eligible candidates are advised to attend interview to bring bio-data, filled in application form along with supported documents)
Siddarthangar, Mysore - 570 011
Karnataka, India
Date of Walk In Interview: 22 Days from the date of Publication on Employment News
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Research Associate - 01 Post, Age Limit: 28 years, Salary: Rs.25000/- per month
2. Junior Research Fellow - 03 Posts, Age Limit: 35 years, Salary: Rs.40000/- per month
Number of Vacancies: 04 Posts
Educational Qualification:
1. Research Associate - M.Sc and Ph.D in Bio-Chemistry
2. Junior Research Fellow - M.Sc in Food Science / Chemistry/Bio-Technology with 1st class and UGC-NET OR CSIR UGC NET
(Note: Interested and Eligible candidates are advised to attend interview to bring bio-data, filled in application form along with supported documents)
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Defence Food Research Laboratory JRF Walk In Interview Notification - 2016
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