Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Latest Current Affairs Today in English Medium Date: 04.10.2016

TNPSC Master publishes relevant fact based Current Affairs almost daily basis. In this current affairs helps you and useful for General Awareness part of TNPSC, UPSC, SSC IBPS Banking and other State Public Service Commission examination. TNPSC Master is a compilation of recent current events. In This section is updated almost daily events, Innovation, Achievement, Awards and New Appointments etc.

Latest Current Affairs Contains in following titles:
  • In last 40 years, temperatures rose significantly in Chennai
  • Russia backs surgical strikes, says India has the right to defend itself
  • US approves first artificial pancreas for diabetics
  • Canada university builds tallest wood building
  • 2016 Nobel Award for Medicine Japanese - Yoshinori Ohsumi
  • Putin suspends plutonium deal with `unfriendly' US
  • Gold imports drop for ninth straight month in September
In last 40 years, temperatures rose significantly in Chennai
  • Delhi is among the 10 major cities in the country where the annual mean temperature has risen at a rate that is significantly higher than other cities over the last four decades. A recent study by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and the World Meteorological Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland, lists Pune along with Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Nagpur, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai as cities with the significant temperature rise from 1971-2013. The highest rise in mean temperature was in Jaipur (0.38°C), followed by Bengaluru (0.23°C) and Nagpur (0.21°C).
Russia backs surgical strikes, says India has the right to defend itself
  • Clearing up speculation over Russia's recent military exercise with Pakistan, Russian ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin categorically welcomed Indian raids on terrorist launch pads across the Line of Control (LoC). In a strong endorsement of the Indian action that goes beyond US statements and extends Pakistan's isolation beyond south Asia, Kadakin said every country had the right to act in self-defence and called on Islamabad to act against cross border terrorism.
US approves first artificial pancreas for diabetics
  • The first automated insulin delivery device -dubbed as artificial pancreas -that can monitor blood sugar levels and regularly administer insulin has been approved in the US. The human pancreas naturally supplies a low, continuous rate of insulin, known as basal or background insulin. In patients with diabetes, the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin is impaired. MiniMed 670G hybrid closed looped system, intended to automatically monitor glucose (sugar) and provide appropriate basal insulin doses in people 14 years of age and older with type 1 diabetes, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Canada university builds tallest wood building
  • The world's tallest wood building with 18 storeys and measuring about 174ft in height has been constructed at the University of British Columbia in Canada, four months ahead of schedule, the varsity said. The mass wood structure and facade has been completed for University of British Columbia (UBC)'s Brock Commons student residence. The structure, showcasing the advantages of building with wood, was completed less than 70 days after the prefabricated components were first delivered to the site.
2016 Nobel Award for Medicine Japanese - Yoshinori Ohsumi
  • Japan's Yoshinori Ohsumi won the 2016 Nobel prize for medicine for ground-breaking experiments with yeast which exposed a key mechanism in the body's defences where cells degrade and recycle their components. Understanding the science behind the process, called “autophagy“ or “self-eating“, has led to a better understanding of diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's and type 2 diabetes, the prize committee said on Monday . “Ohsumi's discoveries led to a new paradigm in our understanding of how the cell recycles its content,“ it said. The Physiology or Medicine prize, the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year, is worth 8 million Swedish crowns ($933,000).
Putin suspends plutonium deal with `unfriendly' US
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended a treaty with Washington on cleaning up weapons-grade plutoniumon Monday , signalling he is willing to use nuclear disarmament as a new bargaining chip in disputes with the US over Ukraine and Syria. Starting in the last years of the Cold War, Russia and the US signed a series of accords to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenals, agreements that have so far survived despite a souring of US-Russian relations.But on Monday , Putin issued a decree suspending an agreement, concluded in 2000, which bound the two sides to dispose of surplus plutonium originally intended for use in nuclear weapons. The Kremlin said it was taking that action in response to unfriendly acts by Washington.
Gold imports drop for ninth straight month in September
  • India's gold imports fell for a ninth straight month in September as weak retail demand and higher discounts prompted banks and refineries to cut overseas purchases of the bullion, provisional data from consultancy GFMS showed on Monday. Lower demand from the world's No 2 gold consumer could weigh on global spot prices that have risen by 24% far in 2016, but help the south Asian country to reduce its trade deficit. Gold is one of India's biggest expenses on its import bill. Gold imports in September are estimated at 30 tonnes, down 43% from a year ago, GFMS data showed. Imports in the first nine months of 2016 slumped 59 percent from a year ago to 268.9 tonnes, according to GFMS. “Importers were not active since gold was trading at a heavy discount last month,“ said Daman Prakash Rathod, director at Chennai-based wholesaler MNC Bullion.

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