Thursday, March 12, 2015

General Knowledge

General Knowledge Today

Collection of TNPSC Questions
  1. Antigiosperms differ from gymnosperms by: having ovule enclosed in the ovary
  2. Which is the correct sequence of various sectors in GDP of India in the descending order? Tertiary sector, secondary sector, primary sector
  3. The national Food Security Act was gazetted in September,2013
  4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1948
  5. European Social Charter - 1961
  6. International Covenant Civil and Political Rights - 1966
  7. N.M.R Subbaraman, the freedom fighter, was called as Madurai Gandhi
  8. The Green House Rural Housing Scheme of Tamil Nadu is powered by Solar Energy
  9. Acronym of CHOGM: Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting
  10. Electron Miro scope can give better resolution than optional microscope
  11. What is Hwang-Ho: Yellow sea
  12. What is Volga - Caspian Sea
  13. What is Mackenzie - Beaufort Sea
  14. The aim of Rajiv Awas Yojana is to make the country - Slum Area
  15. V.S.Subramanian Ramachandran wrote the book of "Phantomas in the Brain"
  16. Who is the Chairman of the 14th finance Commission: Y.V.Reddy
  17. The best source of Vitamin 'D'is Margarine
  18. Which commission recommended 27% Reservation for backward communities - Mandal Commission
  19. Eleventh Schedule Deals with Panchayats
  20. Marasmus -  Desease is caused by deficiency of proteins in children
  21. Madha Patkar -  Indian Social activist in her role in Narmada Bachao Andolan
  22. Who is the first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award - Viswanathan Anand
  23. The first Individual Satyagrahi was Vinoba Bhave
  24. Irish Member Alfred Web was presided over Tenth session(1894) of Indian National Congress
  25. The first editor of the paper "Vande Matram: was -  Shri Aurobindo Ghose
  26. National Physical Laboratory - The Measurement standard Laboratories of India
  27. Rate of saving is measured as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product at Market prices
  28. A 3D Printer has been introduced in the year of 2012
  29. PSLV-C25 - The lauch vehicle which placed the Mars orbiter into its earth orbit on 5th November     2013.
  30. Inhibition of gastric secretion is brought about by - Entergastrone
  31. The Hindu Religious Endownment Act - 1921
  32. The Madras State Aid to Industrial Act - 1922
  33. The Public Service Commission - 1929
  34. Andhra University 1926.
  35. Article 323 A deals with Administrative Tribunals
  36. 104th Amendment raised age of retirement of High Court Judges from 62 to 65 years.
  37. 'Operation Flood' Programme for Women Empowerment
  38. The world wettest place - Mawsynram (India)
  39. The feature of Cuncurrent subjects borrowed from Australia 4
  40. The National Commission for Women was set up in 1992
  41. PQLI refers to - Physical Quality of Life Index
  42. Who has the power to appoint the Finance commission in India- President
  43. Which is the basic unit in the Panchayat system - Village Panchayat
  44. The Bretton woods conference of Nations was held in the year - 1944
  45. Who was the first Indian woman to obtain a medical degree from Madras medical college in 1912 -      Dr.Muthulakshmi
  46. Article 280 Deals with Finance Commission
  47. Article 54 deals with Election of the President of India
  48. How many members are nominated by the President of India to the Rajya Sabha - 12
  49. England does not follow the policy of Judicial Review 
  50. Which fungus produce basidospore - Agaricus

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