General Knowledge Today
Collection of TNPSC Questions
- Antigiosperms differ from gymnosperms by: having ovule enclosed in the ovary
- Which is the correct sequence of various sectors in GDP of India in the descending order? Tertiary sector, secondary sector, primary sector
- The national Food Security Act was gazetted in September,2013
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1948
- European Social Charter - 1961
- International Covenant Civil and Political Rights - 1966
- N.M.R Subbaraman, the freedom fighter, was called as Madurai Gandhi
- The Green House Rural Housing Scheme of Tamil Nadu is powered by Solar Energy
- Acronym of CHOGM: Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting
- Electron Miro scope can give better resolution than optional microscope
- What is Hwang-Ho: Yellow sea
- What is Volga - Caspian Sea
- What is Mackenzie - Beaufort Sea
- The aim of Rajiv Awas Yojana is to make the country - Slum Area
- V.S.Subramanian Ramachandran wrote the book of "Phantomas in the Brain"
- Who is the Chairman of the 14th finance Commission: Y.V.Reddy
- The best source of Vitamin 'D'is Margarine
- Which commission recommended 27% Reservation for backward communities - Mandal Commission
- Eleventh Schedule Deals with Panchayats
- Marasmus - Desease is caused by deficiency of proteins in children
- Madha Patkar - Indian Social activist in her role in Narmada Bachao Andolan
- Who is the first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award - Viswanathan Anand
- The first Individual Satyagrahi was Vinoba Bhave
- Irish Member Alfred Web was presided over Tenth session(1894) of Indian National Congress
- The first editor of the paper "Vande Matram: was - Shri Aurobindo Ghose
- National Physical Laboratory - The Measurement standard Laboratories of India
- Rate of saving is measured as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product at Market prices
- A 3D Printer has been introduced in the year of 2012
- PSLV-C25 - The lauch vehicle which placed the Mars orbiter into its earth orbit on 5th November 2013.
- Inhibition of gastric secretion is brought about by - Entergastrone
- The Hindu Religious Endownment Act - 1921
- The Madras State Aid to Industrial Act - 1922
- The Public Service Commission - 1929
- Andhra University 1926.
- Article 323 A deals with Administrative Tribunals
- 104th Amendment raised age of retirement of High Court Judges from 62 to 65 years.
- 'Operation Flood' Programme for Women Empowerment
- The world wettest place - Mawsynram (India)
- The feature of Cuncurrent subjects borrowed from Australia 4
- The National Commission for Women was set up in 1992
- PQLI refers to - Physical Quality of Life Index
- Who has the power to appoint the Finance commission in India- President
- Which is the basic unit in the Panchayat system - Village Panchayat
- The Bretton woods conference of Nations was held in the year - 1944
- Who was the first Indian woman to obtain a medical degree from Madras medical college in 1912 - Dr.Muthulakshmi
- Article 280 Deals with Finance Commission
- Article 54 deals with Election of the President of India
- How many members are nominated by the President of India to the Rajya Sabha - 12
- England does not follow the policy of Judicial Review
- Which fungus produce basidospore - Agaricus
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TNPSC Master
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